➡️Proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation, otherwise referred to as (PNF) stretching technique uses natural reflexes to allow muscles to relax and stretch to their full potential.👍🏼
➡️The two PNF stretch techniques shown are 1 the “Push-Relax” and 2 the “ Push-Lift” methods.
➡️To do the Push relax method:
1. Put the muscle in a stretched position.
2. Contract the muscle by pushing gently against the stretch, and hold for 10 seconds.
3. Relax the muscle and move to a deeper stretch.
⭐️Repeat 3-5 times💪🏼
➡️The Push Lift method is similar to the push relax method, but instead of relaxing between pushes, try to actively lift into a deeper stretch.
➡️PNF can be done with a partner or alone by using a stretch strap.
💪🏼We also utilize PNF in our semi private stretch sessions (Tuesday and Thursday at 10:00am) as well as in one on one private stretching with coach Jesse‼️